A Maya lord forbids an individual from touching a container of chocolate. |
A gift to the world from the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica, chocolate is loved the world over. It was first cultivated over three thousand years ago the Olmecs, but since the 2000s, Western Africa produces almost two-thirds of the world's cocoa, with Ivory Coast growing almost half of that amount.
Did you know that chocolate is actually made of crystals? Here is a video from NPR Science Friday about the crystaline structure of chocolate and the importance of the crystals in our enjoyment of this tasty treat.
The scientific name for chocolate is theobroma cacao. Theobroma means "food of the gods", which is what it was for the Mesoamericans. In this video by The Science Show you can learn about the historic development of chocolate and how it is produced from the theobroma cacao plant: